Name Affiliation
Michael Anderson Cardiff University, UK
George Bendo University of Manchester, UK
Josephine Benna MPIfR, DE
Toby Brown National Research Council, CA
Barbara Catinella ICRAR-UWA, AUS
Woorak Choi McMaster University, CA
Chiara Circosta European Space Agency, ES
Dario Colombo University of Bonn, DE
Luca Cortese ICRAR-UWA, AUS
Timothy Davis (co-PI) Cardiff University, UK
Ilse De Looze Ghent University, BE
Stephen Eales Cardiff University, UK
Sara Ellison (co-PI) University of Victoria, CA
Amelia Fraser-McKelvie ESO Garching, DE
Taavishi Jindel McMaster University, CA
Claudia Lagos ICRAR-UWA, AUS
Jennifer Laing McMaster University, CA
Blake Ledger University of Victoria, CA
Federico Lelli INAF-Arcetri Observatory, IT
Li-Hwai Lin (co-PI) ASIAA, TW
Carlos Lopez-Coba ASIAA, TW
Karen Masters Haverford College, USA
Jorge Moreno Pomona College, USA
Hsi-An Pan Tamkang University, TW
Thomas Rintoul Cardiff University UK
Michael Romano MPIfR, DE
Kate Rowlands STScI, USA
Ilaria Ruffa Cardiff University, UK
Amelie Saintonge (co-PI) UCL, UK / MPIfR, DE
Sebastian Sanchez UNAM, MX
Mark Sargent ISSI Bern, CH
Matt Smith Cardiff University, UK
Dave Stark STScI, USA
Mallory Thorp University of Bonn, DE
Freeke van de Voort Cardiff University, UK
Scott Wilkinson University of Victoria, CA
Thomas Williams University of Oxford, UK
Chris Wilson McMaster University, CA
Po-Feng Wu National Taiwan Uni., TW
Stijn Wuyts University of Bath, UK
Niankun Yu MPIfR, DE
Nikki Zabel University of Cape Town, ZA

If you would be interested in learning more about opportunities to work with the KILOGAS team contact us.